Your Womb and Your Work

When you have the desire to create something in your business do you stop, place your hands over your womb and connect with the essence and energy of creation that flows through every cell of your body?

Most women don’t.

See Love, your womb houses massive amounts of creative and intuitive wisdom.

Your body literally houses a life portal.

Yet many women feel a deep level of disconnection to their wombs and their bodies as a whole.

This is why I see so many women building businesses that are out of alignment and overly masculine.

Why do we not embrace the magic of our bodies and our feminine nature and bring that to our businesses?

I can tell you that you’ll love your business so much more and will make way more money when you create from a place of intuition, emotion, connection and soul.

Rather than from a slimy strategy that did not work as promised and leaves you feeling super yucky and even a little dirty.

So, stop right now and place your hands over your womb.

Take a breath.

Connect with the essence of creation what is flowing through every cell of your body.

See your womb filling and overflowing with love (No matter where you are in your cycle or any diagnosis you have been given.)

Connect with the collective divine feminine that is waking up and pulsing through the universe.

You don’t have to control.

You don’t have to push.

You can just be.

You can receive.

What does your womb have to share with you?

What does your soul want you to know?

Ask, Listen, Receive.
Ask, Listen, Receive.
Ask, Listen, Receive.